Our educational model seeks a holistic, systems-level understanding of the physical, chemical, biological, and social interactions that shape the Earth and potential solutions to the “one planet problem.” We emphasize the breadth of the complexity and dynamics of human-environment systems and have undertaken a cutting edge position to bridge the natural and social sciences. Our expanded viewpoint beyond a classic geology curriculum allows us not only to reveal the problems caused by human transformation of the environment, but also to pose potential solutions to changing environmental conditions. Through Furman’s liberal arts curriculum, we provide our students with a range of perspectives so that they have the skills, values and knowledge to pursue sustainable solutions.

Global Experience

Global Experience

Your experience at Furman will go beyond the classroom.

Research & Internship

Research & Internship

Our students undertake laboratory and/or field-intensive research projects utilizing our up-to-date chemical analytical, computational, and field equipment facilities in the department.

Mentoring & Advising

Mentoring & Advising

Approachable and committed, our professors offer one-on-one coaching, helping you succeed in your education and future career.