
  • Peer Assisted Learning is closed during MayX and Summer 2024.

About PAL

  • Tutoring for most introductory and GER (general education requirement) courses
  • Trained undergraduate student consultants (Peer Learning Consultants, or PLCs) who have taken the course and are familiar with course content
  • Small group sizes with a ratio of no more than 5 students per 1 PLC
  • PLC-facilitated Study Hall sessions to help you stay on track with your workload

Program Mission

Our mission in PAL is to provide:

  1. Collaborative, peer-facilitated, content-based learning support for students.
  2. Support in applying effective studying and group learning methods for students.
  3. And an engaged learning experience that is aligned with The Furman Advantage for Peer Learning Consultants.

To put it in a shorter soundbite: we want to help students become better learners!

If you have any questions about our program, please email or  Jean Schwab, Director of Peer Assisted Learning.

PAL Schedule

See the schedule of currently available PAL Groups.

Don't see what you need?

Fill out our Suggestion Form to let us know where there is a need for more support!

About the Consultants

The Peer Assisted Learning Program is staffed by trained undergraduate students.

Info for Faculty

If you're an instructor for a course, find a quick list of the most important information and links to share with your students.