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Internships & Engaged Learning

Last updated October 11, 2021

Internships remain a fundamental component of the Furman experience. Students are encouraged to apply their classroom knowledge in real-life situations within the workplace.

This summer, our student Catherine Hare interned with South Carolina Legal Services in Greenville, South Carolina. She provided assistance to two Senior Staff Attorneys, completing various tasks such as working on the creation of online classrooms for clients and attorneys to learn more about different legal issues. Catherine helped to craft the marketing plans for both target audiences, while also keeping in mind how the organization would market to rural clients. In addition to this project, she organized weekly webinars, created graphics, and conducted research. Catherine states she learned so much due to the responsibility she was given in her internship. By taking this opportunity, she could apply knowledge she learned in the classroom in a work-place setting.

Our department hosts occasional events to help connect students with firms and organizations for these types of experiences.

Meet the Firms 2021 will be a two evening event where majors can network with a variety of accounting firms. This will be a great opportunity to forge connections for both internships and employment. Dr. Sandy Roberson organizes this event if you would like to learn more!

Engaged Learning Projects

We also offer other ways for students to test the waters of professional world.

Majors within our Intermediate Accounting I and Advanced Financial Accounting take part in Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) through the local United Way. Students spend at minimum fifteen hours working on income tax returns for low-income taxpayers, without charge. During this experience, students are asked to write reflections regarding the impact of their work.

In our Strategic Implementation and Innovation course, students are partnered with a local company and tasked with assisting them with an issue affecting company operations. Majors will engage in the problem solving process by partaking in site visits, project analysis, team dynamics, and communication.

Majors who take our Principles in Financial Planning course are paired with Certified Financial Planners®  who function as guides to creating a personal financial plan.