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Careers in Biology

Last updated August 16, 2021

Biology students at Furman can choose from a broad range of careers after finishing their degree. With four specialized tracks and a bachelor of arts degree in Biology, students can narrow in on their interests and prepare themselves for a certain specialty. Within our courses, students can discover a zeal for anatomy, ecology, genetics, molecular and cellular biology, neuroscience, plant science, pre-health, or sustainability. The options for career paths are countless and varied.

Majors may become:

  • Soil scientist
  • Science Writer
  • Researcher 
  • Ecologist
  • Nature Conservation Officer
  • Microbiologist
  • Biological Technician
  • Genetic Counselor
  • Biomedical Engineer
  • Professor
  • Veterinarian
  • Secondary Education Teacher

Our department presents numerous opportunities for hands-on experiences which grant students the ability to test out technical skills in addition to interests. Students can explore their passions globally, taking part in one of Furman’s study abroad trips. 

Interested in ecology? Apply to the Wild Semester in New Mexico and South Africa. In this program, students will track and study mountain lions in New Mexico and then travel to South Africa to observe rhinos, leopards, and giraffes, all the while taking courses in ecology and conservation. 

For our Belize program, students will study marine biology and ethnobiology on Furman’s campus, heading to Belize for the last three weeks of the semester. There, they will check out Mayan ruins and coral reefs. 

Want to explore the tropics of Costa Rica? We offer a two-credit course in the spring semester prior to the trip, then a two-credit May Experience in Costa Rica, where students will hike and conduct research.

Our global experiences offer a taste of various types of fieldwork students may encounter in their future professions. 

For more career resources, visit Career Opportunities on our site page.