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Summer Research & Internships in Asian Studies

Last updated August 25, 2021

Interested in learning more about the research and internship experiences and opportunities of students in our department?

Dr. Womack and Dayna Thomas researched recent trends in paleoclimate research in East Asia. Although the overall number of articles in the top and mid-tier journals stagnated during the past two decades, research on the archaeology of climate change in this region has greatly increased.  They plan on continuing their research by examining individual articles in order to better comprehend research methods, interpretations, and the best practices for this new field of study.

The Furman International Internship Program in East and Southeast Asia provides students with the means to seek and obtain a full-time (eight-week minimum) internship. Students are able to intern in a variety of countries with a diverse number of organizations. Come spring, students then showcase their experience at Furman Engaged.

Majors in our department can also participate in assessing programs for women’s empowerment, which is led by Veena Khandke. Several local organizations aid women in finding careers and earning an education; however, they often need extra hands in evaluating their efforts. Students work with the organization to discover the strength and weaknesses of their programs in the hopes of improving their strategies.

Do you have a passion for Japanese culture? Shusuke Yagi leads studies in the comparative investigation of American and Japanese culture while also delving into specific elements of Japanese society.

Be sure to reach out to our department or faculty for more information regarding research and internship opportunties. And don’t forget, Summer Fellowships are available for students pursuing full-time, eight-week long or more internships in the summer months.