Resilient Together: Furman University President’s Report

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Dear Colleagues,

This year has tested us all – as educators, mentors and leaders.

At Furman, we are enacting measures to protect the university community and the institution itself from the effects of the pandemic while continuing to provide our students with an exceptional educational experience that prepares them for meaningful lives and successful careers.

And like you, we, too, are adapting to this new environment in real time – noting what works and what doesn’t, how to communicate, what resources students and faculty need, and how to preserve a sense of connection and belonging in the campus community.

In our annual report, “Resilient Together,” you’ll see that we are building on our signature educational framework, The Furman Advantage, which we launched in 2016. In doing so, we are looking for ways to improve and innovate as we guide students along a four-year pathway bolstered by mentoring, exploration, reflection and career preparation.

From the engaged faculty who have met the challenge of remote teaching seemingly overnight to the students who have adopted new health protocols to protect their peers and community members –  this past year has required us to return time and again to the well of our resilience.

Thank you for reading about our progress. I wish you the very best as we all grow and push forward in our commitment to educating students even in the most challenging of times.


Elizabeth Davis
