
Community Day Thank You

Last updated November 12, 2018

Dear Colleagues,

I am grateful for those who were able to attend the campus-wide Community Day event this past Thursday. Your ongoing passion for our institution and dedication to student success continues to inspire me.

Below you will find links to the materials and feedback tools needed to lend your voice to Furman University’s strategic plan.

The presentation from Thursday can be found here. After viewing the slides, you may use this link to provide input on the themes presented there, including for those who were unable to join us. Please submit your thoughts by Friday, February 24.

In the coming weeks, we will create a web page where this and other information related to the strategic planning process will be provided. We will share that link as soon as it’s ready.

Thank you so much for your participation and enthusiasm for the future of Furman. The next opportunity for community participation in the strategic planning process will be later this spring when we will convene working groups around each of the themes. Be on the lookout for more information about that opportunity.

